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Together: Canby Center News May 2024

The Canby Center

Updated: Dec 11, 2024

At The Center

The Apostle Paul wrote, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever” (1 Cor. 9:24-27).

At The Canby Center we believe that being heavenly minded is earthly good. With this mindset, we provided 31,775 services coordinated by 672 unique volunteers and 13 staff in the last 12 months.

We’re growing in services provided, facilities, staff, and leadership. But this is not aimless, a pursuit of growth for it’s own sake. In the Apostle Paul’s words: “I don’t run aimlessly” (1 Cor. 9:26). Rather, we grow to meet the community’s needs. We grow to help more families escape poverty. We grow to share God’s love with more people.

Jesus described the Kingdom of God as a mustard seed which starts small and grows large. God’s plan frequently involves growth and the accompanying growing pains. We experience joy in giving from the abundance God provides and pain as we embrace change and draw near to hurting people.

We can’t do it without your help and we wouldn’t want to try.  Thank you for praying with us, serving with us, and giving generously to support this work.

Running the race,


Together We Serve

"I love the people." says Ken, the king of kitchen service! In the warmth of his wide grin, gentle manners, and cheerful eye contact, the day's trouble melts away; you can really feel the love!

"Before my stroke, I worked as a medical transport driver. I'm doing better now, and I really like doing this." From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on most weekdays, Ken ladles soup or builds made-to-order salads for our lunch guests. "I enjoy connecting with the people." Since June 2022, Ken Powlison has logged an amazing 316 hours of service in our kitchen. Thank you Ken!

Steady and predictable revenue allows TCC to continue existing programs and expand them as the needs increase. Donations of $100 per month helps TCC serve sustainably throughout the year. Friends of Canby are those who have committed to donate $100 or more per month. These supporters are acknowledged in special ways through the year.

In Step With Staff

Did you know that you can access the very same insider information about The Canby Center services as the staff do?  Right on the Canby Center website we make our real-time service summaries available. You can see the number of services provided, where we are experiencing growing needs, and you will find ways you can help.  These Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) help guide how we address needs and connects you to the impact on local families.

Building For Tomorrow

Our Hopes and Dreams for Canby are becoming a reality! We are in the early stages of construction and anticipate beginning site grading in May. Equipment and construction items are arriving now and we will be a full blown construction site soon!! We are also nearing the final authorization on our construction permits from Clackamas County.

In the next 15 months, The Canby Center will triple our square footage for offering life-skills classes and youth programs. This means a 1,500% increase in our food storage and redistribution capacity. We will more than double our employment center computer lab. Please pray for us as we step into the disruption, noise, and stress that construction will bring over the next year and a half!




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