We did it, Canby!
Throughout our capital campaign, the team at The Canby Center has had a front-row seat to what God is doing. And now, we are thrilled to announce that we have seen God provide the final dollars toward our cash goal of raising $8 million!
Many of you have been tracking with us as we added leaves to our giving tree throughout this final public phase of the campaign. Within the last few weeks, the final leaves went up on our tree as additional individual giving and a generous award through the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners provided the final dollars to push us over the cash goal finish line!
We stand in awe at God’s provision throughout this campaign, manifested in the faithful support of the Canby community: Canby businesses, foundations, government entities, churches, and individual donors.
Some of you have been with us from the very beginning or are longtime supporters, others are joining our mission for the very first time. To all of you, we say thank you for your trust in us and your heart for those in need in our community. Together, we are doing something greater than any of us could do alone.

Project Specifics
Reaching our cash goal makes it possible to move forward with our major expansion project, more than tripling our current space near Canby High School, where we continue to serve the most vulnerable members of our community.
Our expansion will add a total of more than 11,000 square feet to the Center’s current building on Southwest 2nd Avenue, including dedicated space for cold and dry food storage and distribution, classrooms, a job center, offices and more.
The project also includes a full renovation of our existing space, allowing us to fully remodel and integrate it into one cohesive building. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with talented and experienced architects and designers, who understand our vision to make this a warm and inviting space that helps restore the dignity of the people we serve.
The building project is expected to break ground this summer, with a target completion date next fall.
Ways to Help

If you are new to this project or interested in ways that you can still help support The Canby Center, our campaign is continuing, as we seek to close out the Thriving Legacy component of the campaign.
With just $500k left to go, the Thriving Legacy Fund will steward and maintain our new building for decades to come, especially if unforeseen repairs, replacements or other damage to our property occurs.
One of the best ways to support this final fundraising effort is through our Buy a Brick program. This will allow you and your family, business or organization to purchase a brick that will become a permanent part of our future entryway, customized with a message honoring your commitment to our community.
These bricks come in three sizes and donation levels and can be customized with the name of your business or nonprofit, a favorite scripture verse or a special message honoring a loved one. Learn more at www.thecanbycenter.org/brick.