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The Canby Center

Knight Elementary Serve Up Chain Reaction of Kindness with Cereal Donation to The Canby Center

Even the smallest acts of kindness in a tightly knit community like Canby can have big impacts, much like a chain reaction. It's something we at The Canby Center know well, and students at Knight Elementary School recently got a firsthand lesson. Over the last several weeks, the school collected 266 boxes of unopened cereal to donate to local families in need. But first — they wanted to have just a bit of well-deserved fun. At the school's “Knight at the Museum” family night last week, students and staff used those cereal boxes to create a giant domino set-up in the gym. Families, students and staff gathered at the end of the night to count down to the big moment.

“We all cheered as all of the boxes fell perfectly along their path that ended in a giant heart shape,” counselor Amie Mykisen said. “This was a really unique and special opportunity to bring our school community together to do something fun and to support an organization that does so much for our community and our families,” The boxes were donated to the Canby Center, which is working hard — with your help! — to "topple" hunger in our community, including distributing 710,000 pounds of food to those in need last year alone.

These boxes will be distributed through our weekly Harvest Share program, where we know they will continue to bring smiles to the faces of local residents for days and weeks to come.

A huge shout-out and thank you to the students, staff and parents at Knight Elementary School, for showing our community is all about: helping others — and having a little fun along the way! Find out more about the work of The Canby Center at

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