Staff and volunteers at The Canby Center are no strangers to getting their hands dirty. But in the past couple of weeks, they've really been tapping into their creative side with the "Giving Tree," TCC's new mural and public art project helping us celebrate and track our progress on the journey of raising $800,000 to complete our capital campaign and expansion project.
Standing over 12 feet tall and adorning part of one wall in our existing building, the Tree is one way we are helping to keep our community and those whom we serve updated on the campaign. Each leaf painted on the Tree represents another $3,000 raised in our campaign to greatly expand our facilities and programming and plan for the future serving our growing community.
We also chose a tree to represent our campaign because they are a symbol of growth and strength. Jeremiah 17:7-8 says, "Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream."
This spring, as leaves return to the trees throughout our beloved Willamette Valley, so, too, will our Giving Tree slowly fill up with green, vibrant leaves. It's a message of hope that keeps on giving!
Think there might be a leaf with your name on it in the Giving Tree's future? Learn more about our capital campaign and how you can be part of it on our website at thecanbycenter.org/building.
Pastor Mark's Walking Tour
In the past two months, we have loved connecting with friends, neighbors and supporters, sharing our work and vision for the future with you and hearing your thoughts about how we can best serve our community and help meet the challenges we collectively face.
We have also loved answering your questions, one of the most common of which has been if we plan to move to accommodate the expansion. That's an easy one: No! Although this project will allow us to greatly expand, adding more than 11,000 square feet and tripling our usable space, we are not moving anywhere.
As our own Mark Smith explains in the Facebook video above, we will be the same Canby Center, in the same location at 681 Southwest 2nd Avenue. We will just be able to serve more people and in a greater variety of ways.
If you have questions about this project, we would be delighted to answer them. Please contact our Director of Development, Steve Nelson, at 503-266-2920 or steve@thecanbycenter.org.
New Open House Announced

We had a fantastic turnout earlier this month at our first open house of the new year and are excited to announce that our next one has been scheduled for 2 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday, March 19.
These events are informal, come-and-go-style occasions giving you the opportunity to tour our facility, see the work that we do and learn more about our planned expansion and vision for the future.
This event is completely free and open to the public. Coffee and light refreshments will be served.
We hope you are able to join us for this opportunity to engage with The Canby Center, see how we use our current facility and the desperate need for more space to serve our community. Guests will be welcome to self-tour the center, talk with TCC staff and hear from TCC leadership about the campaign and our vision for the future.
To learn more or RSVP, please visit www.thecanbycenter.org/openhouse. Thank you!